Advice and support programs for business owners

Business Victoria

14 February 2023

Starting and growing your business can be very challenging! Getting professional advice can really help to get your business venture off to good start.

Business advisers can:

  • help you improve your business performance;
  • solve business problems;
  • connect you to funding; and
  • assist you to make good choices to help your business grow, succeed and achieve your goals.

Business Victoria advice programs

The Victorian government offers a number of support programs to help you get the knowledge and skills you need to get your business of to a great start, and to meet your business goals.

Some of the following programs may be helpful:

Business Victoria Workshops: on-demand, self-paced learning modules, live workshops and webinars and access to tailored business advisory sessions to provide you with the skills you need to run a successful business.

Small Business Bus: free face-to face 45-minute business coaching with a business expert.

Upskill My Business: free short courses and online events from the state’s top education providers and industry experts.

Business Victoria Virtual Mentor: free online business advice sessions to help you start or grow your small business.

For more information about seeking business advice and finding an adviser, see the Business Victoria website.

Business Victoria