Planning your income stream options.

What will you get?
  • - One-page budget that compares the current and next financial year. -Four hours where you will also have clarity of your business model and how to pith others about it. - Two follow-up calls
Sold by: Luz Restrepo
Business Name: Migrant Women in Business Pty Ltd
Service Name: Planning your income stream options.

Together, we will work to develop a budget that has a comprehensive view of your current and future income and expenses. In doing that, you can identify opportunities and risks for your business.

$500 (ex-GST)

Choose number of hours

It is not just how much money you need to run your business; it is also understanding the possible sales channels and required commercial opportunities to increase sales.

In your role as a business owner, projecting income is a vital activity. I will help you to analyse and start to build your financial projections. By knowing your day-to-day income and expenses and projecting income streams, you are taking control of your finances.

Please use the 15-minute free consultation. I will ask you about the correct status of your business and the expectations of my support. I will tell you about my experience and how we can optimise our time together. We need a minimum of 4 hours to deliver what you will get.