Writing a marketing plan can help you develop the best marketing strategy for your business.
One of the most important, yet often overlooked, areas for nano and micro business owners is the development of a marketing plan. Creating a marketing plan helps you to plan and execute your marketing strategy. It will also help you to create services and products that meet your customers’ needs.
A good marketing plan sets realistic and measurable objectives, and includes budgets and action plans. Business Victoria have created a handy Word template that provides a framework to help you plan and implement your marketing activities.
Planning your marketing should be an ongoing activity. As the market and your business change, you will need to revisit and update many of the ideas and strategies in your marketing plan. By referring to your plan regularly, you will ensure that your business keeps heading in the right direction.
Further information
- Business Victoria Marketing Plan Template
- For more detailed information about writing a marketing plan, see the Business Victoria resource Write a Marketing Plan.